söndag 10 maj 2015

Komplettering: roman på engelska


Some of you will have to read a novel in English as your last task of the course. I will contact you by e-mail and you will come pick up the book at my room (A305). If you don't understand why you are supposed to read the book, I will explain it to you as soon as we have time to meet, but start reading the book anyway. My reason might be that I want to be able to give you a high grade!

Course goals

The task with the book covers three areas of the English course:

Läsförmåga (skönlitteratur):
Eleven kan förstå tydligt formulerad skriven engelska, i olika genrer (t.ex. skönlitteratur). Eleven visar sin förståelse genom att redogöra för, diskutera och kommentera innehåll och detaljer.

Diskutera innehållet skriftligt ( i en del fall muntligt):
I muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i olika sammanhang uttrycker sig eleven tydligt, ledigt och med flyt samt med anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation. Dessutom kan eleven välja och använda strategier som löser problem i och förbättrar interaktionen.

Känna till och kunna diskutera saker om engelskspråkiga länder:
Eleven diskuterar några företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används, och kan då också göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.

What you must do - the tasks!

These are the tasks you must complete on the book:

1. Keep a reading log while you are reading the book
Use the same method as we used when you read the crime novels in Swedish. Choose quotes from the book and comment on them. The quotes must be evenly spread out through the book and you must write at least ten. You complete this task at home (or at STHL if you like) and you keep your reading log in a document that you name: "Reading log - your name" and put in your English folder.

2. The book must be finished on May 28, which is when you will have a test on it. The test will consist of two parts:

- You will get a short book check test where I will make sure that you have read the book. You will not have access to the book during this part of the test and you write it by hand.

- I will ask you to write a short essay where you compare things that are typical of England, with Sweden, for instance, boarding schools. You will have access to your book during this part of the test and you will write your essay on your laptop.

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