torsdag 16 oktober 2014

Presenting a news item

Task goal

- träna på att uttrycka sig varierat, tydligt och strukturerat (så att de som lyssnar kan få en korrekt bild av vad nyhetsartikeln går ut på)
- träna på att förbereda ett tal
- träna på att välja texter och redogöra för ett innehåll

Oral task for next week
  • Pick a news item that you find interesting. The news item should come from an online newspaper from an English-speaking country, and the news should be about that country. Use the Internet! 
  • A document called "News item, week 43" has been shared with you. The document should be brought to class for your presentation. You can only add 15 keywords.
  • Be prepared to present your news item in class to a small group. 
  • Your presentation should include:
    • a background so that people can understand the context of the article
    • a summary of what the news article reports
    •  what you learnt about the country from the news item.
  • Practise at home and/or with another classmate!
This is a small task, but it will still be graded. This is the checklist I will use for grading


- This is a link where you can see which countries have English as an official language
- The easiest way to find a newspaper is to google "country name newspaper" and Google will come up with suggestions for you.

My example presentation:


These are the groups:

Wednesday, 9.50-10.30: Anela, Markus, Oliver, Micaela, Cajsa och Burhan
Wednesday, 10.30-11.10: Pontus, Rassol, Ali, Amar, Hannes, Emil

Thursday, 13.20-13.50: Andy, Adrian, Ludvig, Lucas, Ahmed, Franc
Thursday, 13.50-14.30: Gustav, Kevin, Kent, Rima, Isa, Klara

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